Has Top Searches Too; They're Just Really Boring

It’s the season for top searches, and just doesn’t know how to play the game. To compile these, big search engines take all the top search terms for the year and promptly throw the data out. They then compile a list of terms that they think properly reflects key trends that people are looking for, occasionally looking at the actual data for guidance. We saw Yahoo’s list earlier today.

Ask’s comes next. And it’s clear they are being way too honest. The top search is Dictionary followed by MySpace, Google, YouTube and Facebook.

These aren’t searches, they’re navigation queries. Ah well.

Here’s the complete list:

  1. Dictionary
  2. MySpace
  3. Google
  4. YouTube
  5. Facebook
  6. Coupons
  7. Cars
  8. Craigslist
  9. Online degrees
  10. Credit score

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