China defines Internet Addiction and you probably have it, dear reader

So, tell me. Do you:

Yes? Good! That means you’re part of this modern world in which people connect via their electronic devices. Wait, no. Bad! It means that according to Beijing’s Military General Hospital, you have a treatable illness and you need therapy.

Forgive me, but having worked in this field for some time (addiction treatment and psychology, not “the internet”), I can say that their diagnostic guidelines are wide enough to park a cruise ship in. For example, if you have an iPhone, doesn’t that mean you’re “online” as long as you have a signal? Is gaming different from checking sites or email, and how so? What if you read you local paper, online, on a laptop in a cafe? Any diagnosis would be questionable and any treatment would be incredibly impersonal and ineffective. Nice try, China!
[via Lifehacker and Tech Radar]

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