Pitch your startup to TechCrunch at FOWA in London

TechCrunch UK is going to run a “TechCrunch Pitch!” contest for startups at the upcoming Future of Web Apps conference in London, and you’re invited. There’ll be an “American Idol” style panel consisting of Mike Butcher (TechCrunch UK), Ryan Carson (Carsonified), Kevin Rose (Digg) and a mystery guest, yet to be announced. All you need to do is submit an entry, and we will choose the best three to come up on the stage at FOWA and pitch.

If you don’t have a company to pitch but want to come anyway, TechCrunch readers can get 15% off the event ticket using this promo code: “F0WA-tc”

So here’s how Techcrunch Pitch! @ FOWA will work: You’ll need to shoot a 60 second video pitch and upload it to YouTube so that it appears on Techcrunch Elevator Pitches and tag it with “tcpitch”.

The rest of these crucial instructions appear on TechCrunch UK, so please go there…

And if you want breaking news and reviews about UK and European startups then subscribe to TechCrunch UK’s RSS Feed.

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