Flipswap: Send in your old phone for $$$, plant a tree and donate to charity

Sending in your old phone or iPod for money isn’t anything new, but I recently found Flipswap and they’re a little bit different than other services out there. For one thing, everything is free and they even pay for your shipping costs. I’m not sure how their algorithm works, but they claim to give the highest trade-in value for your phone. Simply input your info, answer a few questions about the device and the phone’s IMEI and they’ll give you an estimate of your device and send the check right out. First gen iPhones are currently fetching around $190.

They’re even green! If a device that’s been flipswapped is on its last legs then it will be recycled properly with nothing going to waste. After reading a few interesting articles like the one in GQ, I’m pretty sure this whole green movement is a bit of a sham, but you can’t blame companies like Flipswap for trying. Every little bit helps. Not to bust on Flipswap for doing a good thing, but they have pledged to plant a tree for every device that is recycled through the reLeaf program.

They even donate devices to charity.

Big ups to Flipswap.

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