Sony Ericsson Z555

Product Name: Sony Ericsson Z555
Description: A fashion flip phone that you shake in a way that could remind one of a Polaroid picture. The big draw here is Gesture Control, which lets to flip back and forth between call and mute and you can even sweep your hand over the phone to turn off the alarm. As Sony says, it’s magic!

It comes in Diamond Black and Dusted Rose — Dusted went to high school with Matt and is now in porn — and has an outer display that disappears into the front design.
Price: TBD
In-store date: Who knows.
Site: SonyStyle
Why it’s cool: So you can shake your phones now to answer a call. Cool? Sure. Amazingly cool? I supposed. I’m very glad SE is pulling out some nicer phones with cutting edge features, however, so I’ll give them this round.

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