Digital Telepathy Helps You Build Your Web 2.0 Startup

San Diego based Digital Telepathy has changed direction from strategy-public relations to services, with a new model that will appeal to anyone who has ever wanted or needed a hand at getting their startup ideas off the ground.

The concept is simple: Digital Telepathy offers three design my business options with varying service levels based on the length of each plan. The 15 day plan provides a wannabe startup with market research, strategic alignment, scalable revenue model, instruction manual for project completion and a concept summary delivered as a “Biz in a Box”. The 45 day plan offers (in addition to the 15 day plan) “initial buzz building,” and a range of design services including basic prototyping, usability testing, blueprints, concept mapping and other design services. The 90 day plan adds development services including full scale back-end development for beta release, front end development, private beta invites, feature development and more.

The Biz in a Box service isn’t for those already in the industry, or those with a lot of experience, although Digital Telepathy also offers services for existing startups looking for advice on taking their business to the next level. I know when I was previously involved in a startup it was difficult to know where to start, and who to get advice from. Even when you do find someone it’s often not a cheap experience either, the consultant I dealt with previously charged 6 figures to basically guide us in the right direction, without providing any development services.

Digital Telepathy is passionate in helping startups they believe in. DT’s Sarah Carr described the change of direction to me as follows: “It’s pretty cool because we are basically saying to our clients, to the Internet/social space, and to the entire WORLD that we are going to actually DO what we love to do and just get rid of all the crap that bores us to death.” I asked CEO Chuck Longanecker about the cost and he responded “the most important thing for us (dt) is to work on projects that we are passionate about and enjoy doing. The second most important thing is to eventually get paid for what we do, so that we can keep doing it.”

Prices range from $15,000 through to $250,000, although each project is calculated on a per startup basis. It may sound like a lot of money, but it’s a lot of service for your buck, and it is competitive. See the full list of options below.

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