NewsVine Launches ElectionVine: Widget Based Election Polling is a new service being launched today by NewsVine that allows users to embed a US Presidential candidate poll on their sites.

NewsVine sees ElectionVine as their answer to mainstream media’s traditional polling methods, turning the tradition polling model on its head by delivering a distributed polling system that can be used by blog/site owners across the United States. Anyone can hold their own election on their own site and even go as far as endorsing a candidate. The site-specific results show what percentage of each sites readers are Democrats, Republicans, or backers of a certain candidate.

The strength of the application comes with an aggregate view of how the election is shaping up in the eyes of the distributed blogosphere. With several months to go before the primaries, NewsVine expects to have tens, if not hundreds of thousands of these independent polling places throughout the web.

What better way to test the system then to embed it in this post. Let us know (anonymously) which candidate you’re supporting by participating in the first ever TechCrunch Presidential Poll; polling widget to the right.

Overall ElectionVine is a clever implementation of widgets that is bound to find an appreciative audience amongst American bloggers.

For related news, see our coverage of MySpace’s plans to hold their own presidential primary in early 2008.

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