Innaworks Introduces alcheMO

Software development on mobile has been essentially divided among two camps including Java ME (Java Micro Edition) and BREW, and this has made development difficult as software creators had to basically make two versions. Innaworks hopes to reduce the effort a bit with their new alcheMo, an automated Java ME to BREW porting solution, which the company is showcasing this week at the BREW 2007 Conference in San Diego.

“alcheMo is technically very impressive. It is the first automated J2ME to BREW porting solution I know of that works on standard unmodified J2ME games. alcheMo has every potential of revolutionizing the way the industry tackles platform fragmentation,” said David Brittain, VP Technology, Superscape. “On the Spring Break: Wild Waves project, alcheMo shows that a single code base is a reality and simultaneous J2ME and BREW development is no longer an expensive luxury. Equally impressive is the quality of Innaworks’ relentless customer service. I enjoyed working with their dedicated and talented team who helped make Spring Break: Wild Waves a success.”

This new software will allow one code base, created by one team to create an app for both Java ME and BREW devices. Additionally, one coding solution means that the work can be done in Java, an easier language for programming, while functional tests need be performed only once to cover both platforms.


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