Sony Launches eyeVio YouTube Clone in Japan

Sony’s once again late to the party, having just launched in Japan a video-sharing Web site à la YouTube called eyeVio. Users upload their videos, which can be, among others, in MPEG-4, Flash and Quicktime formats. Sony says that it’ll closely monitor the site for copyright-violating videos, but exactly how they plan on doing this is unknown. To top it off, the eyeVio servers are swamped. Fantastic.

This latest Sony endeavor is just another example of Sony releasing a product that may end up being too little, too late. (Keeping in mind that I have no idea how Japanese users have taken to YouTube.) Walkman, PSP and to some extent the PS3. Looks to me like they cold use a shot of creativity over there.

eyeVio [Sony via Macworld]

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