Forget the eBay Exit, Sell on Web2.0forSale

Steve Poland, a regular contributor at TechCrunch, has just launched a new website for selling web 2.0 related websites called Web 2.0 for Sale. People are also invited to list programming code, prototypes, domain names, or other related products/services. There is some overlap with VentureBoard, another excellent resource.

Websites are becoming cheaper and more modularized, making them easier to sell off to a wider market. So far eBay has served as a marketplace for these sales.

Web 2.0 for Sale provides such a focal point as well as an RSS syndication widget to help advertise the listings. The board is based on the Edgeio Marketplaces platform (Note: TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington is also a cofounder of Edgeio) and costs $10 to run a post for 30-days. Affiliates that generate posts on the board will get a $5 commission.

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