USBCell Rechargeable Batteries Hands-On

USBCell was kind enough to send over some rechargeable AA batteries for CrunchGear to test out and they couldn’t have arrived any sooner. My unhealthy addiction to Xbox 360 (and its wireless controllers) has been draining the ol’ wallet for a couple weeks now.

UPDATE:USBCell was commended last week as a finalist for the Design Week Award for best consumer product of 2006. The Apple Shuffle was the winner in the category, not too shabby guys.

A pack of two NiMH AA cells will cost you $19.50. The positive end of the battery flips back to reveal a USB connector. Plug the batteries into any USB port on your computer or into a powered hub and voila, five hours later you’ve got freshly charged batteries.

When charging, the rim of the battery maintains a constant green glow. At 90 percent it begins to flash and it finally turns off when fully charged. Pretty sweet.

The company plans to roll out AAA, C, D and 9-volt cells in the near future. It also has cellphone batteries in the works. We can’t wait.

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