Zune Phone Indications?

that Microsoft had begun working on a phone that would be released under the Zune name. Details were, and are, sparse, but since our story broke, an additional rumor has emerged that may or may not bring some more clarity to the situation—how’s that for ambiguity?

The current rumor stems from this announcement from Phillipine-based call center Global Sky:

Microsoft recently awarded Global Sky – a Manila-based call center outsourcing company, the task of providing customer service and research support for their latest project: the launching of a mobile phone device that operates anywhere users can get Wi-Fi access. …

Microsoft has selected Global Sky, one of only two approved Microsoft call center vendors in the Philippines to spearhead the customer support and product researching efforts. Global Sky must answer customer queries and get detailed information that will help Microsoft further evolve this concept. If the concept works, Microsoft may make it accessible to the 95 million+ overseas workers worldwide and even make it available to businesses worldwide as a way to cut cell phone bills or ensure reliable & private communications. Microsoft partners are pleased with the way the project has been handled so far and have assured Global Sky of ongoing relations as they evolve this concept.

Despite the lack of Zune mention in the statement, Zune Scene believes the release to be an indication of the evasive Zune Phone. We at CrunchGear, however, believe that a more likely scenario would be an MSN Live Messenger WiFi VoIP device, but as always, only time will tell.

Call Center Awarded (Zune?) Phone Support Contract [Zune Scene]

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