Goodstorm Launches a Flash Tshirt Maker

In December I noted that using a Flash interface allowed a little known custom casino chip maker called thechiplab to offer far more powerful schwag design tools than the heavily funded Zazzle and CafePress.

My post didn’t serve as much of a wakeup call – those guys still have design tools stuck in the 90’s (although to their credit Cafepress has been busy rolling out it’s new developers network).

But Goodstorm, another schwag company we’ve written about in the past, has grabbed the bull by the horns and has jumped onto the Flash bandwagon with enthusiasm. The company launched catering primarily to nonprofits, giving charities a way to inexpensively sell custom designed tshirts at a very low wholesale price. The company also launched a widget product last summer.

The new product allows visitors to quickly design their own Tshirt using uploaded or stock images, text and special characters. If you like you can buy just one – a men’s standard Tshirt, designed to your specifications, costs $15.

Store owners can also create their own version of the design tool, with pre-uploaded images and custom pricing. We’ve created one – see the TechCrunch Tshirt store here. Upload your own images and have at it – any proceeds we receive from sales of Tshirts will go to charity.

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