TechCrunch Party This Friday

We are having our next TechCrunch party in Atherton this Friday (October 21) afternoon and evening. Sign up here. Our last meetup drew about 100 entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, bloggers and beer drinkers, and I am hoping this one will draw at least that number.

We are changing to a socialtext wiki and it will be up later today along with a confirmation post. Please email us now if you would like to demo your product. We have 8 slots.

We are also taking up to two additional corporate sponsors – this allows us to keep this event free. Email us if you are interested. Package includes right to put up a banner, a toast/speech of up to 2 minutes and your logo on an event tshirt. Plus the happiness of knowing that people will love you and your company. :-)

UPDATE: This is 100% on. Wiki with information and signup area is here. We need two additional sponsors to the two we have already. If you want your logo on the tshirts (free to everyone), we need to get confirmation of sponsorship by end of day today. Sorry for the complete lack of notice. The cost is $250 and will defray tshirt and catering costs.

UPDATE #2: Sponsors include Simply Hired, Flock and Goowy. THANK YOU very much. One spot left. I need help with tshirt logistics (company, timing, etc.).

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