history channel

Hey, History Channel, thanks for running a Pawn Stars marathon on Memorial Day

WTF? You’re dead to me. It’s fucking ridiculous that it’s back to back Pawn Stars on the one day of the year dedicated to the service men and women of America who gave their lives fo

History Channel Turns Foursquare Into A Real World Pop-Up Video

<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-175055" title="fs" src="http://tctechcrunch.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/fs.png" alt="" />For all the <a href="http://www.crunchbase.com/company/foursquare/pos

Contest: Win History's "Engineering Disasters" DVD set

Here are some shows where you can really see some gear crunch. They’re part of the History Channel’s Modern Marvels series, which cover (as you may expect) the major works, megastructures,