
All flights departing Heathrow, the U.K.’s largest airport, were suspended for an hour on Tuesday following a reported drone sighting. An airport spokesperson told TechCrunch that staff are “working closely”…

Drone sighting briefly halts departing flights at UK’s Heathrow Airport

What the actual hell, Britain?

10:38 pm PDT • June 23, 2016

As I’m writing this, it looks as if Britain has voted to leave the EU.It’s hitting me like a ton of Europe-approved bricks, because this decision just simply doesn’t make…

What the actual hell, Britain?

This is a fantastically fun story. Former England Rugby captain Will Carling’s iPad was stolen, yeah, but he had tracking software on there. What followed was a gripping tale, told…

Pip pip and cheerio! The London Tubemaster General, Mayor Boris Johnson ESQ 1st Class Deceased is proposing that the tube lines in London have Wi-Fi coverage. While he does not…

People who hate to see technology in soccer, rejoice! England manager Fabio Capello has delayed the launch of the so-called Capello Index, a Web site that would have tracked various…

Toshiba will give away a free laptop or TV to one lucky winner if England win the World Cup this year. I guess Toshiba won’t be giving away any TVs…

England lost to Ukraine yesterday, thus sullying Fabio Capello’s 100 percent World Cup qualifying campaign record. While I understand that CrunchGear is quite popular in England—we get so much fan…

Once again, the Internet has saved the day. As some of you may know, Setanta, a sports broadcaster, recently went out of business in the UK. The unfortunate thing is…

It’s fair to say that the Internet is a complete waste of time. Aside from the odd virtual museum, or learning about the history of the Bantu peoples on Wikipedia,…

New season, new ball. The three big football leagues—England’s Premier League, Spain’s La Liga, and Italy’s Serie A—begin in just a few weeks, and Nike has developed a fancy, new…

Manchester United won the Carling Cup, which is primarily a little-valued “bonus” trophy handed out in England, yesterday. Great, good for them; go for the quadruple for all I care.…

English football team Arsenal FC will experiment with Sony PSP-delivered instant replays in the next 18 months. The system, which will also allow Emirates attendees to view the game playing…


Wi-fi harshes hippies' buzz

12:13 pm PST • December 30, 2008

Glastonbury, England, renowned for its hippy culture and often thought to be the last resting place of King Arthur and/or The Holy Grail, is reportedly seeing an increase in minor…

We’re seeing more and more of what $300 million buys you—“you” being Microsoft and $300 million being its recently beefed up ad budget. So, to the point: what does it…

The demo for FIFA 09 is nowon the PS3’s PSN. Not a moment too soon, since we’re right in the midst of World Cup 2010 qualifiers. That up there is…

Brits? ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL! Real football. Not that wussy, chase a ball around and get penalized if someone bumps someone else football. No, we are talking Monday Night, hard…

England’s loss is your gain. Since none of the Home Nations qualified for Euro 2008, UK-based accessory house Proporta is giving a solid 15 percent off all their merchandise. You’ll…

Rather than bombarding you folks with two successive 3G iPhone rumor posts, I’ll do so in one so as not to piss off the iPhone haters. First, Leander Kahney at…

[photopress:vcross.jpg,full,right] This lady rules. Janice Turner of The Times—they have a decent football podcast—goes into the familiar “new technology is scary and stupid and I wish the Old Days were…

Poor England will be watching Euro 2008 from home, perhaps using this FA-branded ball as a remote control. It can be programmed to work any number of devices, like DVD…

More doom and gloom news as it relates to video games. People are freaking out in England because their position in the World Reading League Table dropped several places, which…

If you’ve ever been to London, you’ve taken the Tube, and if you’ve taken the Tube, you probably got yourself an Oyster Card, that convenient wireless super-ticket. Well, those crazy…

Pic via IGN. Duh. Video games make you violent, video games cause global warming, blah blah. Every day, some bonehead gives games a bad rap. Today that bonehead is Robert…

Artist’s rendition of your last acid trip. Every few years someone pulls out the old “project the scene behind the object onto the object” trick to make something ostensibly invisible.…

If you’re a trainee manager at a video game store, and you really, really want a PS3, then you shouldn’t be working at a video game store in the first…

This Saturday is the FA Cp final over in Ingerland, when newly crowned EPL champions Manchester United face Chelsea, whose coach was just arrested because his dog is crazy. Something…

Proffering up NSFW insults in a chat room is part of being on the Internet to many people, including the editors of this publication, but “flame wars” are meant to…