revenue based investing

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Founders First Capital Partners brings a different approach to diversity investing

Kim Folsom came up through the engineering ranks in the 80s and 90s before founding the first of six companies, three of which successfully exited. Today, she is the founder and CEO at Founders First Capital Partners, a San Diego startup investment firm that uses a non-traditional approach to funding called revenue-based investment to invest…

12:17 pm PST • December 29, 2021
Founders First Capital Partners brings a different approach to diversity investing

Most founders who are raising capital look first to traditional equity VCs. But should they? Or should they look to one of the new wave of revenue-based investors?

Should you raise equity venture capital or revenue-based investing VC?

A new wave of revenue-based investors are emerging who are using creative investing structures with some of the upside of traditional VC, but some of the downside protection of debt.

Why are revenue-based VCs investing in so many women and underrepresented founders?

You’re working on launching a new VC fund; congratulations! I’ve been a traditional equity VC for 8 years, and I’m now researching revenue-vased investing and other new approaches to VC.…

Should your new VC fund use revenue-based investing?

So you’re interested in raising capital from a Revenue-Based Investor VC. Which VCs are comfortable using this approach? A new wave of Revenue-Based Investors (“RBI”) are emerging…

Who are the major revenue-based investing VCs?

Does the traditional VC financing model make sense for all companies? Absolutely not. VC Josh Kopelman makes the analogy of jet fuel vs. motorcycle fuel. VCs sell jet fuel which…

Revenue-based investing: A new option for founders who care about control