
Featured Article

Protestware on the rise: Why developers are sabotaging their own code

If combating attacks and hijackings of legitimate software on open source registries like npm weren’t challenging enough, app makers are increasingly experiencing the consequences of software self-sabotage. A developer can, on a whim, change their mind and do whatever they want with their open source code that, most of the time anyway, comes “as is”…

10:00 am PDT • July 27, 2022
Protestware on the rise: Why developers are sabotaging their own code

Modu: Cool but flawed

7:56 am PST • February 11, 2008

[photopress:scaled.IMG_1205.JPG,full,pp_image] I was pretty down on Modu, which is essentially a module-based GSM system that consists of a tiny handset — no bigger than a business card and about a…