modern warfare 2

I know that there’s a certain of percentage of people who want nothing to do with Modern Warfare 2. It’s all meatheads and explosions, right? I’m inclined to agree to…


Modern Warfare 3 gets previewed by ONN

12:30 pm PST • November 10, 2009 All I know is the game better have dedicated servers or some PC gamers will have a brain aneurysm. [thanks for the tip, Max]

You know what day it is! Herein lies my usual review round-up (see yesterday’s preview), starring Modern Warfare 2. Right now I’ll highlight the good in the game, and later…

So to recap: nobody has been given permission to sell Modern Warfare 2 early. It’s a crazy Internet rumor that has no basis in reality. But it’s happening like whoa.…

It’s madness, friends! Stores are selling Modern Warfare 2 early, but Activision never said this could happen!

Everyone knows that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is almost here and just like every other epic game, its launch is covered in a haze of controversy. It seems…

Look out, Walmart. Best Buy is going to sell Modern Warefare 2 at midnight too. But unlike Walmart, Best Buy’s average middle of the night clientele doesn’t look like this.…

Put all the Modern Warfare 2 controversy crap behind of you for just a minute and a half. Forget about the lack of PC dedicated server support and that you…

As I cleverly remarked in the official CrunchGear chat room, that a video game leaks a few days before its release is par for the course. When the biggest video…

So GameStop has what I can only call a scheme for Modern Warfare 2. (Have we officially decided to not call it Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Less words…

Look at the AP, trying to stir up controversy where none exists. I’m sure by now you’ve seen the leaked Modern Warfare 2 footage (the video is down right now)…

Are you stoked about Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2? Dude, I am, but I don’t know if I’m willing to go out at midnight on November 10 to buy…

Anyone who has any doubts over what will be the best-selling video game this holiday season needs to check himself. It will absolutely be Modern Warfare 2. And while I…

Two things: One, the PC release of Modern Warfare 2 has been delayed by a couple of weeks until November 24, 2009. The console versions are still on track of…

There’s two new Xbox 360 bundles that you ought to be made aware of. One, which was announced a few days ago (we’re sorta short staffed this week), is the…

Oh, look, video of Modern Warfare 2 has leaked. (I’m still not sure if it’s called Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or simply Modern Warfare 2. Go figure.) It…

MadCatz is making a whole bunch of, well, let’s just say “stuff” and leave it at that, for Modern Warfare 2. I’m one of the few people on Earth who…

Order now while you can. $150 will get you a gaggle of MW2 goodies including the night vision goggles. Ships for both Xbox 360 and PS3 on November 10. Watch…

We’ve seen teaser after teaser, but the full trailer is finally here for Modern Warfare 2 and looks amazing. Watch it in HD, too. This game is going to rock.…

Modern Warfare 2 is shaping up nicely. The full trailer is set to debut during the NBA Finals, which is still a bit away, but this gameplay teaser still shows…