Ghost In The Shell

Ghost in the Shell is one of the best-looking science fiction films in years. Yet, despite how much I enjoyed it, it’s hard not to see it as something of…

I have a lot of feelings about the new ‘Ghost in the Shell’ movie

And yet another Kinect hack: Japan-based web company Kayac has set up some kind of semi-closed “cyberspace booth” [JP] in a department store in Tokyo, in which the “experience” is…

Tokyo-based Keio University has developed a cool optical camouflage system that can make a person invisible – almost, at least. The technology was showcased during the Digital Content Expo 2008…


The Robots Are Working Together

1:44 pm PDT • October 17, 2006

Anybody who watches “Ghost In The Shell” should be acquainted with the implications included with this story. A team of scientists from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium, the Institute…