
TC Makers: We Sample The Goods At The Dogfish Head Brewery

Beer is my favorite food. That means I was especially excited to be able to visit the Dogfish Head Brewery in Milton, DE, a palace dedicated to the production of some of the nicest beers around. Sam C

Monsieur, The Drink Robot, Raises $2 Million

A robotic bartender named Monsieur and his human partners have raised $2 million in seed investment from BIP Capital with Base Ventures, Paul Judge, TechSquare Labs, NFL star Derrick Morgan, and NBA s

BrewDrop Brings Sweet Booze Right To Your Home

It's 11pm: do you know where your microbrews are? Matt and Andrew Bell know. As the <a target="_blank" href="">creators of BrewDrop</a>, they want to make it easy to order booze

The Monsieur Drinks Automaton Roboticizes Bottle Service

Would you buy a robotic drink maker from these men? I sure would. These are the creators of <a target="_blank" href="">Monsieur</a>, a robotic bartender that will squirt out a great Raises $3.1 million In Series B Funding

If you ask me you don't mess around with people like that you get out of the room and then you get into the car and go home you don't call nobody you know or whatever, right? So I'm talking with Suffo

Tesco Will Work With A South African Empowerment Project To Create The First “Social” Wine. This Won’t End Well

I usually don't like potentially viral feel-good PR BS from tech companies - let alone grocery chain Tesco - but, as a lush, I'm slightly intrigued by this campaign. Basically the chain is working wit

New York Startup Caskers Offers Rare Spirits Online

Whether you're into delicately sipping a fine brandy in the company of beautiful men and women in some smoky, wood-paneled bar in Zurich or, like me, you would rather drink an entire bottle of Maker's

Likelii Is A Database Of Booze That Bends To Your Whims

Because I am a <s>conessueir</s> <s>conneseur</s> lover of fine wines, cordials, spirits, toner, rubbing alcohol, and cooking sherry, I find myself often dealing with entrepreneurs who are focused on

YesterdayMe: A Site That Tracks Yesterday’s Alcohol Consumption

Every few days something really amazing dumps over the transom here at TC HQ. Today it was Built by Vladimir V. Tuporshin and partner, Ilja Razinkov, the site essentially allows you t

LayerNation’s El Tirador Makes Classy Layered Drinks With Science

Ask and ye shall receive: when I put a call out for cool hardware start-ups, little did I know that we'd be barraged by some amazing stuff. Case-in-point: the LayerNation El Tirador, a unique drinks m

Club W Hits $1 Million In Annualized Revenue In 12 Weeks

If you love old Vitamin W as much as I do, you'll be pleased to note that folks who are disrupting the staid old wine industry are doing well. Case in point: <a HREF="">Club W</a>

Brewing TV: When homebrewers attack the web Brewing TV – Episode 1.1 from

Back-to-School: Advice I'd give myself if I were going to college right now

I’ve been sitting out this Back-to-School season mostly because I’m so far removed from college and my son is only three so I don’t feel sufficiently informed enough to offer any hel

Fake golf club holds 48 ounces of booze

<img src="" alt="golf" />Drink-dispensing golf clubs aren't new, per se, but this one just hit SkyMall's new arrivals section so here it

Disposable flask is perfect for staying nimble while on a bender

<img src="" alt="flask" />Since today seems to be morphing into "Things That Help You Conceal Booze Day" at CrunchGear, here's somethi

Review: Canadian Club 30-year-old Whisky

I’m almost 34. I was four years old when they started working on this whisky. It took us about an hour to finish about half the bottle. This $200 whisky from Canadian Club – you know, the

Weekend Project: Turn all your fruit into shot glasses with the ShotCarver

<img src="">It’s getting warmer out, which means we’ll soon all be switching from heavy, dark wintertime beer to delicious, nutritiou

Joel Johnson reviews 30-year Canadian Club

<img src="">I consider Joel my blogging mentor and when he says <a HREF="

CrunchTrip: St. George Spirits in Alameda

<img src="">I took a little tour of San Fran and the surrounding islands and hamlets including the beautiful little seaside town

Inappropriate Drink Name of the Day

We reviewed a bottle of tequila a little while ago and they just contacted us with some handy tips for holiday entertaining. One of the recipes? Maestro’s Moment of Clarity 2 oz Maestro Dobel Tequil
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