Walter Thompson

Managing Editor, Contributions, TC+, TechCrunch

As Editorial Manager, Walter Thompson oversees TechCrunch’s guest contributor program, which includes TechCrunch+ articles and opinion pieces about tech-related issues.

Previously, he worked at a number of startups in various roles and as City Editor of Hoodline. He is the host of The Golden City, a podcast about San Francisco.

Walter Thompson

Meta acquired 100M users for Threads in just 5 days. You are not Meta, however, which means you’ll need to develop and protect stronger IP.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Generative AI catch-up, bootstrapping tactics, hiring a head of growth

Once an acquisition is in the works, it’s natural for founders to start safeguarding their newfound wealth.

TechCrunch+ roundup: J-1 visa details, how to close a Series B in 2023, moving for tax savings

We’re publishing on a lighter schedule to commemorate Independence Day, so I’ll return on Friday, July 7 with a new TC+ roundup.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Vertical AI, crypto losses decline, machine learning investor survey

Building a durable growth funnel doesn’t just scale your business: it also signals to investors that a team can move directionally, which is a major confidence builder.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Building growth funnels, HR tech bonanza, secondary market signals

Most founders don’t know they’re on the wrong track until it’s too late. Building a startup requires a high degree of confidence — and for some, denial.

TechCrunch+ roundup: AI + travel, fusion investor survey, why you’ll never get funding

Public SaaS companies reaching their highest valuations of 2023 reminds me of an old song: “I’ve been down so long, it looks like up to me.”

TechCrunch+ roundup: SaaS valuations up, clean energy tax credits, H-1B transfer options

Tech is not a meritocracy: There’s a direct correlation between the size and strength of your network and your chances of success.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Paid acquisition basics, most-valued startups, 10 investors open to pitches

Tech is not a meritocracy. There’s a direct correlation between the size and strength of your network and your chances of success.

How to pitch me: 10 investors discuss what they’re looking for in June 2023

Will the Apple Vision Pro create new opportunities in spatial computing? Jump-starting demand for a new product is hard. Unless you’re Apple.

TechCrunch+ roundup: OKR basics, betting on Apple Vision Pro, why smooth onboarding is bad

Founders need to know whether the people they’re getting into business with understand how to operate during a downturn.

TechCrunch+ roundup: 10 questions to ask a VC, AI and antitrust, Japan investor survey

When no one worried about IT spending, startups leaned into the bottom-up sales approach and driving PLG. But that was then, and this is now.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Rethinking PLG, AI-enabled SaaS pricing, traveling with a green card

To run 60-minute startup board meetings that create value, replace your 80-slide deck with a simple three-page memo.

TechCrunch+ roundup: South Korea investor survey, 1-hour board meetings, venture leasing basics

Landing pages are one of the best places to run experiments, but if you aren’t constantly iterating, you’re leaving money on the table.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Make your CRO fly, cut cloud costs correctly, how to write a cold email

ARR has always been a key metric, but with valuations down across the board and new money too tight to mention, it’s now a lodestar.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Venture debt VC survey, PLG boosting tactics, bootstrapping to $40M ARR

Psychedelic startups want to make psilocybin, ketamine and other substances more mainstream, but how are investors approaching this space?

TechCrunch+ roundup: Psychedelics VC survey, how to run an AI pilot, Europe’s robotics renaissance

Can open-source foundation AI models level the playing field while addressing concerns about privacy and bias?

TechCrunch+ roundup: Minimizing M&A mayhem, cybersecurity PM checklist, open source AI

Every startup isn’t ready to hire a full-time marketer, but that’s no excuse to toss money out the window on paid acquisition.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Unicorn origins, red flags for investors, generative AI meets copyright law

“This is really only talking about world-changing, big-ass businesses with a lot of impact that could be a billion dollars or more in value.”

NFX’s James Currier: Where unicorn ideas come from and why founders ‘have to keep pivoting’

Because AI requires human input, it is inherently susceptible to bias. What are investors doing to hold founders accountable?

TechCrunch+ roundup: AI ethics investor survey, B2B SaaS KPIs, don’t frown on down rounds

Instead of playing the hero during startup board meetings, CEOs should allow team leaders to speak for themselves.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Build a better board deck, multipath onboarding tips, selling to CISOs

Reducing CAC Payback and following the Rule of 40 is proof that a founding team knows how to move directionally. Investors love that.

TechCrunch+ roundup: Customer personas, content that resonates, efficiency metrics VCs love

If you’ve added “AI” to your pitch deck to make it more appealing, I have some bad news: FOMO is passé, and due diligence is the new black.

TC+ roundup: Pitch coaching from 5 VCs, Black founder funding options, 3 fintech flubs

I’m going to save you some time: many, if not most, of you are probably not yet ready to pitch an investor.

How to pitch me: 5 investors discuss what they’re looking for in April 2023

If someone said “startup” while we were playing a word association game, I’d respond with “fundraising.” (I bet you would, too.)

TechCrunch+ roundup: Deep tech tips for SaaS VCs, toxic fundraising, student visa startup options

SaaS companies are like leaky rowboats: if retention rates don’t overcome customer churn, you will take on water and sink to the bottom.

TechCrunch+ roundup: SaaS benchmarks, TikTok strategy, milestone-based fundraising

Autonomous tractors, semi trucks and warehouse restocking bots have gone from concept to reality. Is robotics mainstream now?

TechCrunch+ roundup: VC robotics survey, Visa Bulletin update, SaaS engagement metrics

When a fighter has no reasonable chance of winning the match, throwing in the towel is the smart move. This also applies to startup founders.

TechCrunch+ roundup: 5-year business models, RevOps tactics, how much to pay founders?

Starting up in San Francisco still has benefits: moderate weather, great food, and sure, the world’s largest concentration of venture capital.

TechCrunch+ roundup: YC Demo Day faves, thrift shop VCs, cybersecurity product challenges

ARR is hard to budge, as it’s a direct reflection of how well you’re doing in terms of reaching product-market fit.

TechCrunch+ roundup: #OpenToWork reality check, deck-free pitching, ARR growth lessons

Marketing teams get a lot of credit for landing new customers, but in reality, sales development representatives do most of the actual work.

TechCrunch+ roundup: 3 key hiring metrics, building SDR teams, insurtech investor survey