Shaunak Khire

Shaunak Khire is co-founder of a stealth ML/AI startup that can analyze, write and output insights autonomously. He also is a partner at the MaghaCGI30 social impact index fund. Previously he was the co-founder of an adtech startup and has served on the global board of the Mobile Marketing Association. He was formerly part of the Clinton Global Initiative tech and poverty alleviation working groups.

Shaunak Khire

As the world was collectively watching results of the 2016 election ,  we got a barrage of emails from people congratulating our AI for predicting a Trump win. To be very…

How our AI called a scenario for Trump being elected and the ‘why’ behind it

The force has been strong for AI (artificial intelligence) over the last few weeks, what with Slack announcing a fund for bots, Elon Musk announcing OpenAI and, of course, the…

‘Appocalypse,’ Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love AI