Mark Elgart

Mark Elgart is president and CEO of AdvancED, a provider of improvement and accreditation services to more than 32,000 schools and school systems across the U.S. and 70 countries.

Mark Elgart

For Students, The Future Is Now

4:00 pm PDT • October 16, 2015

The 2014-15 school year was the first during which students of color outnumbered white students in America’s public schools. This demographic shift has significant implications for our education system and…

For Students, The Future Is Now

Exposing Every Student To STEM

8:00 pm PDT • July 19, 2015

What does it mean to be STEM literate? It means understanding the fundamental concepts and approaches used in science, engineering, technology and math—concepts such as the scientific method and how…

Exposing Every Student To STEM

To prepare for the world and the workforce, students need to learn more about themselves and what motivates them. They also need opportunities, both in and out of school, to…

Coding Breeds Collegiality And Boosts STEM Program Success

too many students, especially those from underserved backgrounds, don’t have access to technology at home. And few schools, even ones in affluent communities, teach kids the skills they’ll need to…

Bridging The Gap Through Quality STEM Initiatives