Filemon Schoffer

Filemon Schoffer is the head of community at 3D Hubs.

Filemon Schoffer

If you’ve ever been lost in the midst of all the 3D printing technologies, you know how hard it is to get a grip on the different machinery, applications and…

3D printing technologies explained

While many designers and engineers find success with 3D-printing parts in plastic for prototyping and low-volume production, producing parts out of metal using similar technology has recently led to the…

Metal 3D printing takes flight

Although there is still a lot of hype surrounding 3D printing and how it may or may not be the next industrial revolution, the cost of printing continues to drop…

How expiring patents are ushering in the next generation of 3D printing

It was in 1909 when Henry Ford, master of efficiency and standardization, famously said that a “customer can have a car painted any color…so long as it is black.” While…

Is 3D Printing The Next Industrial Revolution?

When he famously said “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home” in 1977, Ken Olson, founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, certainly wasn’t expecting a reality…

Down The Hype Cycle: A 3D Printer In Every Home?