Accessing social groups through referrals

Image Credits: anyaberkut / Getty Images

We’ve aggregated many of the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth Report.

This is how you stay up-to-date on growth marketing tactics — with advice that’s hard to find elsewhere.

Our community consists of startup founders and heads of growth. You can participate by joining Demand Curve’s marketing training program or its Slack group.

Without further ado, on to our community’s advice.

Accessing social groups through referrals

Excerpt from Demand Curve’s Growth Training.

A surprising benefit of referrals is how they often lead to social partnership opportunities.

Consider this process:

  1. Find your happiest users.
  2. Figure out what social groups they belong to. This could be anything from a female founders group, to university alumni networks, to a restaurant management trade association.
  3. How do you find out? Just ask them what groups they belong to. Don’t be afraid of conversation.
  4. Ask the happy user to connect you with the heads of those groups. Solve a problem they collectively have — even if it’s only tangentially related to your business. What matters is that more of these ideal customers know and trust you. You can also refer speakers, offer deals, write content for them or offer free office hours.
  5. Down the road, these people inevitably send you referrals.
  6. Reach out cold to people in other, similar groups. Reference the endorsement of the original group and provide a case study (with their permission).

Going through groups can be a high-leverage way to land and expand into ideal audiences.

Pixel-sharing tactics

Insights from John Evans of Repixel.

Retargeting ads are effective, but they’re limited in scale to the people who’ve visited your site or used your app. Pixel sharing, on the other hand, allows you to retarget the visitors of other websites who have similar audiences.

It gives you the best of hypergranular targeting plus scale.

In a nutshell, you log into your Facebook Ads dashboard and share permissions for another site to access your Facebook tracking pixel and vice versa. Reach out to other companies to swap pixels directly, or use a pixel marketplace like Repixel.

Here are some tips to keep in mind for best results:

Target audiences instead of industries: If you sell children’s clothes, don’t only cross-target other clothing sites. That’s limiting. You can target all sites that cater toward children or parents buying products for their children.

Review websites perform well: Product review websites tend to attract audiences with high purchase intent that could be more in-market for your product.

Monitor for conferences: Keep an eye on your calendar for big events in your space. Their sites tend to generate significant, high-affinity traffic with purchasing power.

Match your ads to each pixel’s audience: If you sell a supplement for joint pain and you’re retargeting the visitors of a golf blog, that’s a critical segue to work with: Relate the two concepts together in your ads and they’ll perform above average.

Image Credits: Julian Shapiro

Mirroring prospects for higher reply rates

Insights from Angela Sun of Hull.

Sometimes, legitimately valuable cold emails are dismissed as spam. Despite what’s being offered being a no-brainer win for the lead. It can be because the email is coming from a sales rep, which is a red flag about this being a very transactional conversation.

So, here’s a tip: For higher response rates, mirror your prospect by having a person with the same job title from your own team reach out. Marketers should be cold-emailing marketers, and so on. It can help a cleverly worded email feel more like it’s coming from a peer.

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