Join us June 3 for a contact-tracing and exposure-notification app development and deployment forum [Update: Event postponed]

Update 6/2/20: We’ve decided to postpone tomorrow’s COVID-19 CT/EN forum to June 17th. In light of the very important conversations that need to happen around justice, police brutality and race in the United States, we want to make sure we are not taking space and oxygen.

Stay tuned for more details about how and when we will continue with the event and its educational mission around contact tracing and exposure notification.

Exposure notification and contact tracing are two related but distinct measures many public health authorities are either considering or already implementing.

Contact tracing is a practice almost as old as epidemiology itself, but today’s technology means the way that we go about tracking the spread of a contagious illness within and between communities is changing very quickly. This presents an opportunity for learning more about the opportunities and challenges presented in extending contact tracing and exposure notification via digital means.

To that end, we’re happy to be working with the COVID-19 Technology Task Force, as well as Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center, NYU’s Alliance for Public Interest Technology, Betaworks Studios and Hangar. We’ll be playing host on TC to their live-streamed discussion around contact-tracing and exposure-notification applications, including demonstrations of some of the cutting-edge products that will be available in the U.S. to tackle these challenging, but crucial, tasks. The day’s events will include a roundtable discussion followed by a series of product demos, and will take place starting at 11 AM EDT (8 AM PDT) on Wednesday, June 3.

Below, we’ve included an agenda of the confirmed speakers and demonstrations for the day so far. Note that this is a work in progress, and that more speakers and demos will be added to the day’s slate as we get closer to Wednesday. To RSVP for this free event, check out this link.

11am-1pm EDT: Roundtable Discussion – Hear from researchers, healthcare professionals, and technologists, including:

Here’s how that first part of the day will be broken out into individual panels:

  1. Contact tracing: What it is, how it works, how tech can help [11:00-11:45am ET] PANELISTS: Andrew McLaughlin, Margaret Bourdeaux, Mary Grey, Jonathan Zittrain, Mona Sloane
  2. Using technology to enable scaled contact tracing [11:45am-12:05pm ET] MODERATOR: Daniel Burka PANELISTS: Randall Thomas and Jonathan Jackson
  3. Deep dive into the states/city [12:05-12:30pm ET] MODERATOR: Harper Reed PANELISTS: Daniel Burka, Mike Flowers

12:30pm-2pm EDT: Contact Tracing/Exposure Notification Product Demos – Leading organizations developing applications to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, primarily through contact tracing and exposure notification, will each demo their product. Teams include:

We’ll have a live stream available on June 3 so you can follow along, as mentioned, but you can also RSVP here to register your interest. It should be a day full of interesting, expert discussion of why there’s a need to extend contact tracing and exposure notification through connected and digital means, as well as the privacy, public health and policy implications such extension necessarily carries with it.

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