Facebook will start alerting users who have interacted with ‘harmful misinformation’ about COVID-19

Facebook this morning announced its latest step in its effort to combat the spread of misinformation around the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Chief among them is a new message targeting users who have commented on, reacted to or liked false content about the virus.

The social network will pop up a message from the World Health Organization (recently defunded by Trump) with an option to share the link or visit the WHO’s COVID-19 debunk site. “We want to connect people who may have interacted with harmful misinformation about the virus with the truth from authoritative sources in case they see or hear these claims again off of Facebook,” the company wrote in a post.

The pop-up is set to start appearing in the coming weeks. Debunks on the list include:

You seem like a rational person who probably knew all of that, but this is Facebook we’re talking about here. So, um, better safe than sorry. The site has also added a new page called Get the Facts that curates accurate info, including media fact checks. That information will soon trickle into Facebook News, as well.

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