Homeland Security’s Jeanette Manfra is coming to Disrupt SF

We can’t talk cybersecurity without hearing from the government.

We’re thrilled to announce Homeland Security Assistant Director Jeanette Manfra, a senior executive at the department’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), will be at Disrupt SF.

Manfra is one of the federal government’s most experienced cybersecurity civil servants. She currently leads CISA’s cybersecurity efforts in protecting and strengthening the country’s most important infrastructure, like the power grid and water supplies. A decade-long government career professional, she previously served as acting deputy under secretary for cybersecurity at the National Protection and Programs Directorate, a division of Homeland Security dedicated to protecting government networks and critical infrastructure, later absorbed by CISA after the agency was created by President Trump in November 2018.

Prior to Homeland Security, Manfra served in the U.S. Army as a communications specialist and a military intelligence officer.

For years, cybersecurity warfare was somewhat limited to governments attacking governments. But the threat landscape has changed, and the new battleground is both in government and in the private sector.

Now under one roof, CISA acts as the nation’s cybersecurity risk adviser — working closely with government departments to protect federal systems and networks, and private industry to advise and warn on ongoing and emerging threats.

The agency has recently doubled down on its efforts to ensure election security, as well as risks to the U.S. supply chain.

Cybersecurity is one of those universal topics that affects every consumer, business, enterprise and government. We’re excited to talk shop with Manfra about the state of the security union.

Disrupt SF is in San Francisco on October 2-4; tickets are available here.

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