Amazon FreeTime for Alexa adds routines, kids’ podcasts and audiobooks

Amazon today announced it’s rolling out new features for its FreeTime service for parents and children, which recently started working with Alexa, allowing parents to control children’s experience with the personal assistant.

Now, the FreeTime service for Alexa will also support routines – the combination of voice commands that can be kicked off with a single phrase. For example, parents could say, “Alexa, it’s bedtime” to have Alexa turn off the lights, lower the shades and play lullabies.

Alexa will offer parents a customizable goodnight message to help them get started with Routines that includes options like turning off the lights, playing sleep sounds, turning on the nightlight and other options. Other customizable routines include a Good Morning Routine, After School Routine, and Bed Time Routine. These can also be customized with white noise timers, smart home controls, music, personalized Alexa messages and more.

The company said it’s also adding other features for kids, as well, including podcasts and over 1,000 audiobooks for kids, when parents subscribe to FreeTime Unlimited. The podcasts line-up includes selections like “Brain’s On” from American Public Radio, “Story Pirates” from Gimlet Media, and “Ear Snacks” from Andrew and Polly. These offer kids age-appropriate news, stories and other content.

There will also be new kid activity skills available like “Train Like an Avenger” and “Animal Workout” to help families get active while using their imagination. Other new skills includes Oregon Trail, Star Wars Missions, and Animal Rescue.


See our full coverage from the event here.

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