YC-backed DearBrightly makes Rx skin care more accessible

Almost everybody wants better skin, but not everyone wants to put in all the heavy lifting required.

But DearBrightly, a Y Combinator-backed company, wants to simplify the process of making Rx retinoids accessible to everyone.

Retonoid is an umbrella term for both retinols and Rx retinoids, which are made from Vitamin A and promote rapid skin cell turnover, helping with skin issues from aging to acne. Retinols, however, can be found over the counter and are proven to be much weaker than prescription retinoids, as they’re often missing the active ingredient of retinoic acid.

In other words, retinols are far more accessible but far less effective than Rx options. On the other hand, setting aside time to see a dermatologist for purely cosmetic reasons isn’t always a priority for folks, even if they want better skin.

That’s where DearBrightly steps in.

Users simply log on to DearBrightly and answer a few questions about their skin, formulated in collaboration with dermatologists, and send in a few pictures of their skin. DearBrightly then sends that data along to one of their dermatologist partners, who determine the right prescription level and regimen.

Users are then sent their custom Rx retinoid cream without ever having to visit a dermatologist.

DearBrightly only works with PCAB-accredited pharmacies, and is currently only operational in California, as laws vary from state to state.

DearBrightly charges a service fee to both the dermatologists writing prescriptions as well as the customer receiving their new skin cream. Given how young the company is, this is subject to change. Still, cofounder and CEO Amy Chiu says the cost to consumers is less expensive than it would be to go to a dermatologist offline.

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