With Dabbl, you can earn gift cards for interacting with ads

Image Credits: Mix3r / Shutterstock

Dabbl is giving users a straightforward reason to interact with ads — the ads earn them money in the form of gift cards.

For example, when I signed up for Dabbl this morning, I was presented with a menu of several different campaigns. The first one that I chose was from Oreo, where I answered a bunch of questions about how I feel and what I know about Oreo products. The whole thing took about 30 seconds, and I earned 30 cents towards a gift card from businesses like AMC and Bed Bath & Beyond.

There are other companies rewarding users for watching ads, whether that’s on their smartphone lockscreen or in games. But founder and CEO Susan O’Neal told me she avoids describing Dabbl’s approach as a “reward,” because “having your time and opinion tangibly valued feels more gratifying than a reward or another kind of gimmick.”

“Media companies are compensated for delivering impressions which are supposed to represent consumer attention, whereas our users are compensated for their attention,” O’Neal said via email.

In addition, she noted that users engage with Dabble campaigns “at a time that is convenient to them,” not when they’re trying to watch another video or play a game. And the campaigns are really about active engagement, for example asking users to watch a video and answer questions about what resonated with them.

“Because there isn’t any incentive to answer randomly, we’ve found that most people answer honestly,” O’Neal said — which in turn improves the connection to the brand. Dabbl says the average campaign sees 23 seconds of active attention from each consumer.

The campaigns that I saw promised to pay between 25 and 50 cents, but O’Neal said the company is still collecting data to improve the pricing model.

Formerly known as Adjoy, Dabbl launched a customizable version of the platform for partners back in August, and it’s currently powering ShopRite’s Downtime Dollars program. Today, it’s launching its a direct-to-consumer Dabbl app, and a self-service campaign manager for brands to promote themselves through the app.

Dabbl is currently available on Android and the web, with plans to launch on iOS in the future..

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