Future of Sex podcast creator Bryony Cole talks the future of funbots and New York’s first sextech hackathon

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In what turned out to be a surprising SFW podcast Future of Sex podcast creator Bryony Cole joined us to talk about the future of sex, teledilonics and sex robots. Not content to let the media and the world stay squeamish about the topic of sex robots Cole expects many of us to have had sex with a robot by 2047 and believes many of our children will first experience sex with a robot before they attempt it with a human.

Cole is also running New York’s first Sextech Hackathon on June 10, 2017, From 9:30am to 8pm, at the ThoughtWorks office, 99 Madison Ave, 15th floor. You can RSVP here.

Talking candidly about sex and tech is hard and Bryony made it all kinds of fun. Please do listen in.

Technotopia is a podcast about a better future by John Biggs. You can subscribe in Stitcher or iTunes and download the MP3 here.

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