Listen to the premiere of TCBC, a new podcast from TechCrunch

TechCrunch has a new podcast, and it’s TCBC, a show where I speak to a different writer on staff each week about their beat, the stories they’re following, and the tech news that’s most important to them right now.

It’s something new we’re trying, and hopefully it helps bring home the stories we cover here at TechCrunch, giving you additional context that can be hard to convey outside of good conversation. Hopefully, TCBC will help you get a fuller picture of the biggest stories in tech, with the perspective that you’d ordinarily only gain from speaking someone with deep, specific knowledge of the issues at hand.

For this first episode, I spoke to TechCrunch policy and security reporter Kate Conger. We talked about shutting down, Defcon, NSA hacks and the impact of data security on the U.S. election, and more. You can listen via the stream embedded above, or check us out and subscribe on iTunes, or in your podcast player of choice.

Let us know what you think, and stay tuned next week for episode two.

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