HTC selects Lifeliqe as educational VR content partner

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This morning, visual learning platform Lifeliqe announced a strategic partnership with HTC to become their provider of educational virtual reality (VR) content for the Vive.

Lifeliqe already has many other interesting, non-VR learning products and concepts in market with over 15,000 schools worldwide. I recently had a chance to try out some of the company’s VR demos through an HTC Vive at AWE 2016 and I have to say the content was exceptional. The experiences ranged from examining the Hubble telescope (in space) to interacting with dinosaurs to viewing the body of a shark from the inside out while deep in the ocean.

Joel Breton, HTC’s Vice President of VR content, said as much when announcing that “We’re pleased to have Lifeliqe as an education content partner, developing high quality room-scale educational experiences on the HTC Vive. From walking among dinosaurs to exploring the internal organs of a shark, Lifeliqe offers truly innovative premier content for immersive discovery and learning on Vive.”

As virtual reality content continues to increase in scale and complexity, it’s great to see education as a strategic focus for some startups rather than purely gaming or entertainment plays.

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