I’ll Take The Google Self-Driving Car With Florence Swanson’s Artwork On It

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Google’s fun little project called “Paint The Town” for its self-driving cars is a great way to connect with communities. It takes trust to allow vehicles that drive themselves for the most part, and Austin seems to be trusting Google quite a bit.

That’s a good thing.


I just want to say this: If I were to ride around in Google’s self-driving car, I want mine designed by Austin resident Florence Swanson. I’ve never met her, but I would like to.

Here’s her creation:

The “guitar guy” is an inspiration from living in Austin, TX. Austin is called the live music capital of the world.

Digs music and self-driving cars? You’re my hero, Florence. Also, look how happy she is!!! Expect more of this community work in the coming months and years, as the company hopes that more cities will allow Google to use their streets as a test-course.

You can catch the rest of the Austin designs here.

(Oh, and if you know Florence personally…send her this link and maybe she’ll comment!)

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