Fallout 4 Is More Powerful Than Porn

Image Credits: 30478819@N08 / Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license.

Pornhub, an internet web portal site for videos of people that are naked doing things, which I have never ever visited, ever, shared some interesting traffic. Speaking of things I don’t do, a game called Fallout 4 came out on the 10th. And that’s where Pornhub’s story begins…

According to the smutwranglers site, gamers chose to play the new game rather than…consume content on their dirtysockportal:

Like watching a good Pornhub video, anticipation of the release had been building up, and once the moment arrived, dedicated gamers thought of little else – including visiting Pornhub.

Sigh. But data is fun, right? What did Pornhub find? A massive dip in traffic for the day.

Somethingsomethingsomething not getting it up something, whatever.

Compared to an average day, we saw a slight 5% increase in traffic among gamers in the early morning hours from 3-4 am. At this point we assume everyone’s download completed and the gaming commenced. Starting at 5am traffic began to drop, down as much as 10% from 7am till noon. In the afternoon traffic returned to normal, but after 6pm it dropped again when we assume that 9-5 workers arrived home and fired up their games. After midnight it seems like everyone finally took a break, and traffic jumped as high at 15% above daily norms.

So yeah. I don’t even know what to say to most of this other than have a lovely weekend doing whatever it is you kids do these days. If you’d like to um…read more of Pornhub’s insights…head on over here.

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