SURPRISE! There’s A New Japanese Star Wars Trailer And It’s Amazing And Full of New Footage

Whoa. Generally, word starts going around that a new Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer is going to drop days before it actually does.

This one sort of just… appeared. We didn’t even have to pretend to care about Monday Night Football to see it!

Debuting on the YouTube page for Walt Disney Studios Japan with little to no fanfare, this international trailer isn’t your standard, “recut-the-same-footage-different-ways” affair.

There’s new stuff here. Lots, and lots of new stuff. In fact, I’d say this one is sliiightly more spoilery than the others released thus far — it shows more big, climax-y action moments — so tread carefully if you worry about those things.

With that said: BB8 trilling in Droidspeak (0:27)! Finn and Rey meeting (0:56)! C-3PO (1:03)! Chewie blowing shit up (1:20)!

Let the traditional endless-rewatching commence!

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