Google Calendar For The Web Gets A Trash Can

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You set up a meeting, drop it into Google Calendar. Then someone says “let’s do it another time” and you delete it. Then they say they’re available again. What do you do? You create a new entry. Until now.

Today, the Google Apps team released a small but handy feature for the web version of Google Calendar — a trash can. You can now view, permanently delete or restore individual and recurring events that you’ve deleted from your calendar:

Trash is accessible from the calendar’s dropdown menu in the “My calendars” section as well as from Calendar Settings. This functionality is available for both primary calendars and secondary calendars for which people have edit rights.

This will be rolling out to the web for everyone over the next few days. Try it. Just delete a calendar event and you’ll be sent an email with instructions on how to bring it back. Just for the first time though.

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