Microsoft Launches New Windows 10 Build, Vows To Keep Its Early Access Program Alive

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Microsoft released a new Windows 10 build to its testing community today, noting in the process that the developers and fans in its ‘Insider’ program will continue to receive builds ahead of the general public.

The gist is that after the formal launch of Windows 10 to the public — more on that here — Microsoft remains focused on placing new features and the like into its self-selected testing community. That choice fits with the company’s goal of updating Windows 10 on a chronic basis; if you are going to release consistently, you need testers. So, the Windows Insider program lives on.

Included in that particular confirmation today was the release of Windows 10 build 10525. The new build, for Insiders on the ‘Fast Ring,’ includes new color options, the software nexus designed for testing parties to submit feedback, and improvements to ‘Memory Manager,’ a tool designed to allow for more programs to run at once without compromising machine performance.

In its post, Microsoft’s Gabe Aul said the following:

I’m very excited to be able to officially welcome you to the next phase of the Windows Insider program and bring you a new build today. I hope that you have fun with it, and be sure to keep sending in your feedback via the Windows Feedback app!

Awkward exclamation point aside, what’s interesting in that pronouncement is that Gabe is essentially welcoming the old crew into a new era that is quite similar to the old era. In that they appear to be roughly the same.

So, after a launch of sorts, Windows 10 is mostly where it has been for over a year, with updates and new features coming out as soon as Microsoft gets them out of the lab.

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