Watch This Amazing Fan-Made Star Wars TIE Fighter Short Film

If you’re excited about the forthcoming cinematic universe Disney appears to be planning around Star Wars, then this amazing seven-and-a-half-minute short created by a fan over four years should do a lot to help tide you over.

The animated film was created by Paul Michael Johnson, and animated in the style of epic 80s anime series’ like Mobile Suit Gundam, Patlabor and many others, which featured painstaking hand drawn detail and shading. The short also features an epic ’80s-ish soundtrack, and sound effects from the classic TIE Fighter series of games from LucasArts.

There’s an official spin-off movie planned for 2016 release that will mostly likely focus on X-Wing pilots called ‘Rogue One,‘ but this Empire-centric perspective is a unique take. Disney, option this guy for a full-length series and we’ll all love you forever.

HT to @conradmuan

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