This Guy Turned A Quadcopter Into A Star Wars Speeder Bike And It’s Amazing

Okay, this is the last quadcopter-to-“Star Wars Universe”-thing we (or at least I) will post*, I promise.

[* this week]

BUT SERIOUSLY, LOOK AT THIS THING. It is perfection. About 30 seconds into the video, I actually stood up and whooped.

We’ve seen the Millenium Falcon quadcopter. We’ve seen a TIE Interceptor quadcopter.

But a Speeder Bike? WITH a Scout trooper on top? This… this is perfect. It brings one of the best scenes from Return Of The Jedi to life in an straight up magical way.

By gutting a 1999 Hasbro POTF Speederbike and strapping its bits to a low-flying quadcopter, Adam Woodworth has made a toy that would have made 12 year old Greg throw every penny of his allowance at the screen. Hahah, who am I kidding; Now-28 year old Greg would throw all his money at this, too.

You can read about Adam’s full build process, including figuring out how to get that relatively-heavy frame up in the air, right over here.

If only there was a camera in the helmet for first-person tree-dodging footage.. OH WAIT, THERE IS.

Dear Disney: make this. Seriously.

[via makezine; Photos via Adam Woodworth)

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