Not Sure What To Wear To The Crunchies? Hopefully This Video Will Help You Figure It Out

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The 8th Annual Crunchies Awards Ceremony is just a few days away, which means it’s time to start thinking about out what you’ll be wearing to the big event. This time of year can cause anxiety for even the most fashionable founders and VCs out there.

If that’s the case for you, don’t feel too bad. The Crunchies Monkey also wasn’t sure what to wear, so he sought advice from Wanelo CEO Deena Varshavskaya — because who better to ask than someone who collects psychedelic leggings and has an app that’s all about finding the right look for you?

After trying on a couple outfits of his own, both of which failed to wow Varshavskaya, the two scoured Wanelo and settled on a suit that is classy but also a little funky.

Now, about what you should wear… Just like any other awards ceremony, the Crunchies are a place where people love to dress up and show off their unique sense of style. There is no formal dress code, but Davies Symphony Hall is an elegant venue and many people are planning to suit up for the occasion.

Of course, this is Silicon Valley, so there will always be a few people in hoodies and startup t-shirts. But they’ll probably be in the minority — most attendees will be in semi-formal, cocktail attire, and dresses. There will even be a few in black tie.

The Crunchies are this Thursday, February 5, and if you haven’t bought your tickets yet, time is running out. Get them here, and we look forward to seeing what you wear to the big event!

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