PonoMusic Raises More Than $6M In Equity Crowdfunding In One Week

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Neil Young’s startup PonoMusic became the fourth-most funded project on Kickstarter back in April, when it raised $6.2 million on a goal of $800,000.

The project now has raked in an additional $6 million in equity funding from a Crowdfunder campaign.

Pono Music is building a music download service and physical music player that is set to launch in a few months. The project focuses on ultra high-quality sound, projecting to offer a digital music store with more than 2 million titles, which will have 30 times more sound data than typical MP3 files.

The company’s Kickstarter project raked in endorsements not only from celebrities in the music industry like Bruce Springsteen, but from prominent people in the technology world, including Oculus COO Laird Malamed and Amazon CTO Werner Vogels.

Check out the video below to see Colleen Taylor interview PonoMusic’s former CEO John Hamm back in April, with a hands-on look at the Pono Player prototype.

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