FullStory Gets $1.2M To Help Customer Service Do Their Job Better

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Tired of waiting forever on a customer service call? Have no fear, FullStory is trying to minimize those endless hours spent on the phone by capturing everything a user does on a company’s product using a simple script.

FullStory approaches web-analytics by pushing a pro-active way to interact with issues in a company’s product. FullStory captures mouse movement, clicks, page transitions and more and allows for session playback for support teams to understand user flows.

The script begins recording the users movements once they are logged onto the website or app, but users can exclude themselves from being tracked. Scott Voigt, CEO and co-founder, said FullStory has an acceptable use policy that customers have to adhere to.

This speedy way to see a customer’s movements allows support teams to identify bugs and send the playback session URL to the engineering team to fix. That’s what differentiates FullStory from other web-analytic products. The playback session provides a way for the support team to engage the issue before even responding to the customer.

But the technology isn’t new and FullStory has a lot of competition. Companies such as SessionCam allows you to watch recordings of website visitors, such as mouse movements and clicks.

Watchsend records mobile screen interactions, allowing developers to refine their product after watching how users interact with their app. Lookback is another similar product that also records on screen activity with apps.

FullStory, based in Atlanta, opened its product from private beta today has Voigt said they have a “few dozen paying customers” at the moment.

Co-founded by former Googlers Bruce Johnson, Joel Webber and Scott Voigt, FullStory just finished their first round of funding outside investment and raised $1.2 million, led by Google Ventures and Tom Noonan, former CEO of Internet Security Systems.

The founders sold their startup Innuvo to Google in 2005, which turned into the framework for Google Web Toolkit.

“FullStory is searchable, giving product teams the ability to easily answer questions like, ‘why are people getting stuck during the login process?’ and ‘how are users engaging with the new feature we built?’ Gone are the days of asking a dev to go hunt around in log files in order to answer such questions,” Voigt said.

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