Jawbone Sends The Up24 Abroad

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The Jawbone Up24 is no longer exclusive to the U.S. market. The wireless Jawbone fitness tracker is now available in 29 markets around our blue marble including in the UK, China and Japan. Previously, only the company’s original Up was officially available outside the U.S.

As Engadget points out, prospective buyers can snag the device on Jawbone’s webstore as well as on Apple’s and Amazon’s regional sites. Prices start at £125 in the UK and €149.95 in Europe.

As the wearable continues to prove itself to be a viable product, companies are increasingly looking to expand overseas. This large expansion puts Jawbone’s latest fitness gadget in front of countless new consumers and was likely timed to coincide with the company’s move onto Android.

The new markets include: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, Australia.

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