This Week On The TC Europe Podcast: Raspberry Pi, Wayra, France And Esperanto

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We’ve made it to episode 10! This week, we talk about Raspberry Pi racking up worldwide sales of 1.75 million, Partech Ventures investing $215 million in European startups the American way, and Wayra sharing numbers about its accelerators for the first time. This is the TechCrunch Europe Podcast, wherein we European writers discuss tech news, as well as what’s happening in our startup scene.

This episode was a great opportunity to talk about how venture capital is doing in Europe. Is there enough money allocated to young and energetic startups? We answer this question and talk about more pressing issues, such as how much tea is sold in the U.K., why French people are so negative about everything, and more.

Join Steve O’Hear, Natasha Lomas, Ingrid Lunden, Darrell Etherington, John Biggs, and Romain Dillet to hear what we think about those topics.

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Intro music by Espanto.

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