Google’s Glass Explorers Are Getting A Mystery Package From Google X This Week

It looks like Google is shipping something to its Glass Explorer community this week. Sadly, it’s not clear what exactly it is the roughly 2,000 first Glass users are getting.

As Jesse Stay, the author of Google+ For Dummies and Google+ Marketing For Dummies, notes on his blog, a number of Glass Explorers are reporting that they have received notifications about this package through their My UPS accounts today.

These packages, which weigh about 1 lbs, are coming from Google X, the secretive Google unit responsible for exploratory project like Glass and Google’s self-driving cars.

For all we know, Google is just sending everybody a t-shirt, though some folks are speculating that they’ll get a white Nexus 4. That may be wishful thinking, but it is possible that Google has a few extra perks in store this first group of Glass users who, after all, paid around $1,500 (plus tax) for the privilege of being among the first to use Glass. My bet is on a t-shirt, though, and not on an Android phone.

Some of the Glass users were actually supposed to get their packages today, but nobody seems to have received anything yet.

We’ll obviously track this story and let you know what is in these mystery boxes once we figure it out for ourselves. Until then, feel free to speculate about the contents of this package in the comments.

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