Jony Ive Debuts iOS 7: “Bringing Order To Complexity”

Apple debuted the next generation of iOS yesterday at WWDC and now you can watch Jony Ive’s 7 minute iOS 7 introduction video.

“True simplicity is derived from so much more than just the absences of clutter or ornamentation,” Ive explains. “It’s about bringing order to complexity.”

As stated on the WWDC stage yesterday, iOS 7 is the biggest change to ever come to the iPhone. So much so that Apple is going to have to extensively sell the update before rolling it out. From what we’ve seen, the new look and feel, gathered by devs testing the beta, is rather polarizing.

Facebook receives a major backlash when tweaking its look. Apple is about to change nearly everything on the iPhone.

This video is likely just the start of a major marketing campaign. Apple will need to demonstrate why they radically changed iOS. Expect preemptive TV spots and online ads prior to iOS 7’s rollout this Fall.

So sit back, grab an Americano, and let the calming voice of Sir Jonathan Ive explain the magic of the next generation of iOS.

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