Dropcam Updates iOS Apps With Location Based Control And Time Scheduling

Dropcam is updating their iOS apps today with two new features their users have been clamoring for: location awareness and in-app time scheduling.

Dropcam is a high definition plug-and-play security camera that has gotten some well deserved praise for its simplistic design and easy installation. Once your Dropcam is plugged into a power source, it automatically connects to your wifi connection. You can control the video feeds through your browser or your smartphone. It’s a painless setup, and pretty neat.

Dropcams can be controlled in the browser and through your smartphone app, so the updates are welcome news. With location aware toggling, Dropcam can now automatically turn itself on when you leave the house, and off when you’re back inside, by virtue of the GPS on your smartphone.

Another added feature is in-app scheduling, which allows you to select which times of the week you’d like your Dropcam to be monitoring your home. For example, if you were planning on going on a week long vacation, you could program your Dropcam to be on during that time in advance.

Dropcam is available at their website for $149. Their apps can be downloaded in the iOS App Store here.

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